Newsletter 24/2024: Actual situation in international transport

Newsletter 24/2024: Actual situation in international transport

The holiday season is here! But also continued port congestion and prices elsewhere than we would all like. Planned rail closures in Germany accompanied by dockworker strikes will not add to the summer cheer either. Let's take a look at what's happening right now and what's coming up a little closer.


In previous newsletters, we have reported on the situation of maritime imports from the Far East and tried to get a closer look at the reasons for the lack of space on ships and, as a consequence, the rising maritime prices. As is usually the case, problems arising at one point in the shipping chain pack up mercilessly and appear in multiples at any bottleneck in the shipping network.
And so now we see congestion in ports like Singapore, Tanjung Pelepas or Colombo. These are important hub ports that transfer containers from feeder ships (serving other ports in the region) to large ships sailing on the main route to Europe. To avoid accelerating congestion at these key ports, shippers are skipping shipping from these regional ports (mainly in Bangladesh and India). Capacity has therefore been significantly reduced and, even in the case of successful shipping, delays at transhipment ports must be anticipated and extended transit times must be prepared for. Unfortunately, air rates from these countries have also already reacted to the unfavourable situation.  However, we advise you to transport critical quantities by air and to postpone shipment where your situation allows.

Number of TEUs waiting to berth at the Port of Singapore

Unfortunately, Europe is not lagging behind with congestion and ships are starting to get slightly late even in Hamburg. Forecasting future developments is always important for planning the delivery of goods. Our view is that the situation will not improve in the near term. The following factors, among others, will have to be taken into account:
German dockworkers continue their strike period. The last one ran from the morning of 9 July in Hamburg, then the port of Bremerhaven joined in and should be over by the time of publication. Wilhemshaven has also recently staged a strike. These, often several days long, outages are already taking their toll on port capacity and with each successive strike the problem is getting worse.

15.7.- 12.8.2024

Repairs are necessary and it is great that investment is being made in rail development. Unfortunately, the extensive repair of the rail link to and from the port of Hamburg has been timed to meet the increasing congestion in the port. Although a detour route and time windows for container trains to pass through have been arranged, some delays must be expected for this part of the transport too. This cannot be predicted or influenced in advance given the existence of a single alternative route.
As you can see, after a successful de-berthing from Asia, the whole transport chain and its possible bottlenecks must be taken into account. We will be happy to consult with you in advance about your needs and offer possible solutions (use of alternative routing, etc.).


We got it!
For example, in road transport we have the capacity for your exports ready for you.
The rail connection to the Far East is working and we are happy to offer you Vietnam as well. Although there are increased customs controls at Polish terminals and therefore slight delays, it is still a suitable alternative to sea transport, even in view of the sea situation described above.

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