Newsletter 31/2024: Snippets from the logistics market and an extraordinary offer

Newsletter 31/2024: Snippets from the logistics market and an extraordinary offer

In the run-up to Christmas, we bring you a few snippets from the world of logistics, this time in a slightly positive spirit. And we offer an interesting opportunity for imports from Ningbo in the sense of a super fast shipping service, which we hope will start a new trend and you can be there with us!


As you know from our previous newsletters, imports from the Far East, especially their speed and overall transit time, are influenced by several factors. Sea freight is currently in a phase of changing services and unreliable "schedules" with an average delay of over 6 days. We also recall the further planned slowdown of ships to mitigate the impact of the carbon footprint tax increase. How many more days this will ultimately be in real terms we will see next year, but we will try to estimate further. Faster train services on the so-called northern route face sanctions in place. So not only are we seeing the development of the so-called southern train route, but alternative offshore products are also starting to emerge. 


No, you're not dreaming. There's a new super express sea service coming from Ningbo. We feel that this is finally a positive trend after some time and since we like to bring good news as well, we decided to inform you about this opportunity without hesitation.

35 days Ningbo - Czech Republic / Slovakia

The expected transit time is only 35 days from departure from Ningbo port to delivery in the Czech or Slovak Republic.
The planned transit time assumes delivery from the port by train/tractor combination. When using a direct tractor, the transit time can be reduced even further!


It is possible to accept goods with batteries (always necessary to check individually).


We'll be happy to calculate an individual quote for you, but at virtually the same speed as the train service (Ningbo - CR/SR) you'll certainly be pleasantly surprised!

Scheduled departure from Ningbo 31/12/2024.
Closing is set for 26/12/2024.

For further information or a specific quote

please contact us at


Fears of a strike to hit Indian ports are over. With the new five-year union agreement finally approved, the mounting tensions at India's major ports have passed.

The leadership of the six leading port workers' unions had threatened to enforce a work stoppage from December 17 to meet rising wage and pension demands. They had earlier arranged these with the port management, but lacked the blessings of the government and government organisations.

Thus, the union leaders are expected to make an official statement today regarding the withdrawal of the strike notice.

Hopefully, unionists in the US will take a cue from the outcome of the negotiations and at least return to the negotiating table.


You also ask us how the Russian embargo on certain goods affects the situation in the train connection via the northern route. The positive news is that some outflow of goods has freed up space and this seems to have a positive effect on most transit times. There are, of course, exceptions where there are checks on sanctioned goods or goods suspected of circumventing sanctions. The good news is that the whole train is not stopped and obstructed during the confirmation, but only that carriage carrying 2 containers. Perhaps due to the careful clearance based on Chinese HS codes, we have so far avoided such a situation and therefore cannot comment on the subsequent course of the stoppage.


Let us also briefly return to the information about further slow-steaming of container ships. In short, shipowners are behaving pragmatically and economically and, with the rising cost of green taxes on the actual carbon footprint, are slowing down and thus reducing their footprint, and hence tax and expenditure.

How much they have slowed down is shown by the following graphs of the change in average speed or velocity from 2012 to today. 

Source: Houlder

As we can see, the trend is clear, but again on a positive note, let us add that with a renewed slowdown of the maximum value of the graph, i.e. about 0.5 knots between 2012-2013, we are talking about a slowdown of about 1 km/h. Thus, on the route from the Far East, an increase in transit time of about 1.5 days.It should also be added that while slowing down is a popular method and may put pressure on the price due to the capacity reduction effect, it cannot last indefinitely. For one thing, reducing overall capacity is not always cost-effective, but it also has its limits in terms of additional investment, a't least operational or servicing investment, where slow running beyond the original planned engine output affects turbochargers and more expensive repairs to slow running effects such as cold corrosion and fouling of the exhaust boiler, injectors and piston rings.

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